Sunday, October 30, 2016

A Brief Introduction to Letterboxing

Are you looking for a way to introduce younger children to the joy of hiking? Maybe you’re trying to motivate older children to get out more, or simply find something you can all do as a family. No matter what the reason, letterboxing is a fun, family-friendly activity that can enhance your own experience out in nature. This post gives a brief overview of letterboxing and offers a few tips for a successful letterboxing experience.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

We're launching!

Hi friends and family,
We're officially launching our Little Peanuts Club website.

Check out our website at

We're really excited about the website; as parents of three kids we often ask ourselves the exact same question: "What should we do today?"

Sometimes we are looking for something new. Or, we may look for an activity indoors during bad weather. We may go to a new place and find it hard to find activities that match our kids age and interests.

Little Peanuts Club is focused on activities by parents for parents. With structured search, we hope to make it easy for you and for us to find just the right activity.

As of today, you can find some activities around the Boston area. You can search and filter by different options such as:

  • Indoors / outdoors
  • Activity types (biking, hiking, museums, skiing, etc)
  • User rating (including age / child specific rating)
  • Parking - easy vs hard, free / paid
  • Activity cost
  • (and we're adding more options all the time)
And, you can always just start with a simple search, just type or click on your location and search.

So, just head over to the website and give it a try. We'd love to hear your feedback - good or bad so we can make the site better - a community for parents by parents.

Also, if you feel up to the task, signup and add the activities you know about. Our goal is to get to 200 activities by end of 2016.

The Little Peanuts Team